As everyone knows … I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IBKUL products. Simply out: they have the Best Golf Apparel on the planet !
Furthermore, I had no idea IBKUL was as innovative as coming out with a product that you can play golf in or ride in … or frankly do anything in. So, then head out to do your shopping, visit family or friends … and NOT have to worry about wearing a COVID 19 mask!
One of my friends
… who works at Pinehurst Country Club and has to wear a mask every day … Subsequently, she recently sent me this picture and said I HAD to add this IBKUL product to my collection…

So….of course I had to check out the Best Golf Apparel! How many times do I finish a round of golf and head to the clubhouse only to forget my mask and have to run back to my golf bag to get it!
The new IBKuhl, IBKareful Convertible top
… features a drape collar that extends upwards as an internal neck gaiter to deflect unwanted sun exposure and keep pesky germs at bay. It’s the perfect solution! The built-in ear loops keep the mask in place for hassle-free wear. Of course…this versatile option for outdoor and on-the-go activities, features the IceFil technology, naturally cooling you in hot, humid weather…and it makes it SOOOO easy! Check out these pics with more details…