Lavender for you and your horses!!
If anyone knows me… they know how passionate I am about LAVENDER!! I had it growing all over High House Farm and I will be growing it at the new farm as well. There was one time when I was seriously considering turning my dressage ring into a lavender field!! I, of course, came to my senses on that one.
Why lavender?
Lavender is a flowering plant in the mint family that’s easily identified by its sweet floral scent. I LOVE the smell. It’s believed to be native to the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India, with a history dating as far back as 2,500 years. In ancient times, lavender was used as a holy herb. Additionally, it was often used to freshen up and give a light scent to a variety of personal items, such as clothes and hair. TODAY…it is used for SO many purposes from positive effects on mood, stress, anxiety, and depression to reducing blood pressure, relieving asthma, improving insomnia, as a natural pain reliever and YES…as a bug deterrent. So many people commented to me that I did not have many flies at High House Farm. I had lavender everywhere and even in pots around the barn. Could lavender be the reason?
What about Lavender for your Horses?
If lavender is good for us….it HAS to be good for our horses, right? I think so. It helps with their coats and I KNOW it helps keep nasty flies away. Have you ever tried lavender fly spray? In a world of chemicals and snake oils promising to repel flies from your beloved horses and pets, the best solution is something that doesn’t come from a lab, but Mother Nature!
I discovered a company that makes it called Lavender Dream Farm. This fly spray was developed by horse owners from California for horse owners with the goal of providing a natural means of taking care of the animals you love. Since lavender is a natural insect repellent, why not give it a try?
I really love this stuff and it has five additional essential oils that combine to provide long-lasting, full protection against flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects. It also helps moisturize and condition horse’s skin and coat as well as help to prevent itching and rashes. PLUS…I love the smell. I even use it on myself!! Here is a link to the manufacturer’s website…they have other products too….I am thinking of trying the lavender shampoo as well…