I love horses and I love riding
There are so many disciplines of riding…Dressage, Show Jumping, Eventing, Barrel Racing, English Pleasure, Western Pleasure, Endurance riding…the list goes on and on. While we, as riders, may differ in our philosophies and riding techniques and training methods…there are not many trainers, riders or vets that would argue that a horse needs stretched! Just like ANY athlete, the horse needs to be warmed up before they are asked to do all the crazy things we ask them to do…and we DO ask them to do MANY crazy things! Not only do I do these stretches with my horse BEFORE I ride…but I do them AFTER I ride! My 15 year old horse Deuce, actually looks forward to these stretches. Just think of it as YOGA for horses. Take a look at this video to see some of the stretches we make a part of our everyday routine.
One of the best things about this video is that it shares an APP called “Stretch Your Horse”. While it is not a FREE APP, the $36 cost is well worth it! Learn how to correctly and properly stretch your horse every morning or afternoon before (or after) you ride. The App offers 25 easy to so stretches and exercises that will help improve performance and comfort. What I love is that I can be in the stall with my horse and if I am not sure what to do or how to do it, or if I just want a new stretch, I can refer to the APP! Check out “Stretch Your Horse” today! Both you and your horse will LOVE it!